Registration for the 2024 – 2025 curling season IS NOW OPEN!
New members must complete the membership request and be approved prior to registering for curling:
For returning members and newly approved members, the following link will take you to the online registration form:
If you have already registered and need to add or remove a league from you account click on this link and complete the form. Membership will update your account and notify you of any fee changes.
Current league availability:
(For more info on waitlist leagues please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Day of week | League | Time | Availability |
Sunday | Little Rocks (Age 7-12) | 9:00 AM | Full |
Sunday | Juniors (U15/U18/U21) | 11:00 AM | Open for individual registration |
Sunday | Open Flight League | 3:15 & 5:45 PM | Wait list available |
Monday | Open Senior Tag | 9:30 AM | Full |
Monday | Open Tag | 11:45 AM | Full |
Monday | Women's Team Entry Flight | 6:50 & 9:00 PM | 1 player need ASAP |
Tuesday | Open Team Entry | 12:15 & 2:30 PM | Open for team registration |
Tuesday | Men's Team Entry Flight | 6:50 & 9:00 PM | Open for team registration |
Wednesday | Open Senior Tag | 9:30 AM | 1 spot available |
Wednesday | Open Tag | 11:45 AM | Open for individual registration |
Wednesday | Men's Team Entry | 4:00 PM | Open for team registration |
Wednesday | Women's House | 6:50 & 9:00 PM | Wait list available |
Thursday | Day Women's House | 12:25 PM | Wait list available |
Thursday | Men's Team Entry | 4:00 PM | Open for team registration |
Thursday | Men's House | 6:50 PM | Wait list available |
Thursday | Open Doubles | 9:00 PM | Full |
Friday | Open Doubles/Triples Tag | 12:30 PM | Wait list available |
Friday | Open Team Entry Flight | 4:00 PM | Full |
Friday | Open Social Modified Tag | 7:00 PM | Open for individual registration |
Saturday | Open Doubles/Triples Tag | 6:50 PM | Open for individual registration |
If you would like to join York Curling Club- please click the blue link above to complete your membership request. You will be approved and then be able to click on red link to register for the season. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any difficulties or questions regarding the registration process.
As part of the registration process, please review your personal information and update your contact information. There are many members with invalid date of birth and missing emergency contact information. We would appreciate if these items are updated/corrected.
- You can monitor the status of your registration through "My Sign-Up Info" which appears in the Member's Home drop-down panel above.
Key principles to keep in mind:
- Returning teams to team-entry leagues are given priority; however, if registration by all members of the team (including payment) is not received
- Registrations are not complete until fully paid (or first installment payment is received). Cheques can be mailed or dropped off at the club, e-transfers should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- As of September 1st, 2024 the “Early Registration Discount” of $30 for returning members will not be applicable.
Green/Practice Ice: Will be available during the week of September 30-October 4, 2024. Please refer to the Club Calendar for practice ice schedule as well as for all club leagues, rentals etc.
Daytime TAG Leagues: Half season is from October to December or January to April. Placement into a fall timeslot will be wait-listed until September 1. Placement into a winter timeslot is dependent upon availability. 9:30am timeslots will be dedicated Senior (age 50+) TAG and 11:45am timeslots will be Open (available to all ages) TAG format.
5-person Team Entry: To facilitate busy schedules, many teams are turning to a 5-person team structure. In these instances, YCC will only collect league fees from 4 members. Once 5 members are registered and paid, a refund equivalent to the league fee will be provided to the skip to be distributed amongst the team. NEW THIS YEAR: Alternately, the designated 5th member may contact membership directly This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and have their name added to the system - the team can work out shared payment amongst themselves.
Rowan’s Law – Concussion Safety: This Act, passed by the Ontario Government imposes various requirements on sports organizations in connection with concussion protocol and amateur sports. Members are responsible for understanding and agreeing to the protocols detailed under this act. Specifics, as it pertains to YCC are provided on the 2024-2025 Membership signup (Step 5 – Agree to Club Liability Releases) page which we encourage you to read and agree to as part of your registration process. This step is required by those under 26 years of age and highly encouraged for all ages.
Sparing: Add your name to the “My Subbing Availability” in the Member's Home drop-down panel on the "Member's Home" page.
Volunteering: Have a look at the “My Volunteer Availability” in the Member's Home drop-down panel. Most of the club activities that go into making YCC a success are the result of volunteers from the membership. Your support is always greatly appreciated.
New Members Always Welcome: The success of YCC is dependent on the addition of new members. The best way to recruit is through the existing membership and to this end we ask all members to encourage friends and family to try the sport and join YCC.
To help encourage the enrollment of new members, YCC is holding a number of Introduction to Curling Events at the beginning of the season. The intention of this program is to encourage participants to come out and try and enjoy the sport in time to the join club for the second half of the season. Please do your part and spread the word!