Promote Your Business or Service
Sponsorship That Rocks!
Why should you advertise at York Curling Club?
- Canada now has over 1 million active curlers, with 15 million adult Canadians watching curling on television each season
- York has approximately 700 members who curl 1-5 times a week - all potential clients for you!
- Our members reside in Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding York Region, which creates a great regional advertising opportunity
- Every night close to 100 people will see your advertisements – that's almost 20,000 views over the season and 700 every week
- Every Saturday is booked, with a bonspiel, a competition or a community event! Over 100 additional potential clients.
- Advertisers will also have an opportunity to offer incentives directly to our members via the website and social media
- Various mediums by which to communicate your key messages - On-Ice Wall Signage, Website, Social Media, Social Events, Bonspiels and League events all available for your valuable advertising dollars
- The cost to play - a fraction of the cost of advertising in local Regional newspapers (single placement, half page ad is $2,800)
Please contact:
Cam Rogers
220 Muriel Street
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3N3
905-898-2155 (club phone number)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.