The following article by Shirley Wilson is re-printed from the Southern Ontario Ladies' Curling Association Memories of 75 Years.
One learns a great deal reading through musty old minute books and newspaper clippings, and a lot of myths and beliefs can be blown up with a loud bang. Most of our present members, the writer included, assumed that our curling club was the very first to be situated in the Town of Newmarket. Wrong! The first, known simply as The Newmarket Curling Club was in operation from 1895 until 1919. The archives of the local paper give no indication why the original club closed up shop, and the sport is not mentioned again until February, 1957 when York Curling Club (Newmarket) Limited was officially opened.
York was founded by a group of local businessmen and was originally slated to be built in the Town of Aurora, but during the summer of 1956 an old army drill hall situated in the Newmarket Fairgrounds became available at the price of $20,000., so Aurora was out and Newmarket in.